Renryuu ascension laws policies finances education religion
Renryuu ascension laws policies finances education religion

renryuu ascension laws policies finances education religion

All timers run even while you're not on the map. The player has to actively gather resources that were produced once the production is done on this map. This means all productions and constructions happens in real time while the game is running. The country overview map now has a real-time based system instead of a turn system. Therefore, the player has the choice whether to not care about these skills, or prepare himself before tough battles by raising his reputation again. Reputation allows Ryen the use of new, powerful battle skills, but only while it's above a certain value. Variables like your "Reputation" and the "Safety" or "Freedom" of your citizens are slowly decreasing when you do nothing against it, but they can be improved on the overview map.


Fixed the Divine Favor skill to target the entire group instead of just 1 ally.The main idea behind the changes in update 23.03.25 is to give the player a more active role in the country development, and to give you a reason to come back to the overview map every one in a while. They'll now appear in the CG room after their first dialog, instead of appearing all at once when you advance the events of the refugees. I changed the CG room pages for Elves 2 and 3 about the Orchel elves.


New full body CG for Phyraa (elf in Orchel) The tree for the construction of Kayelinth's new farm on the overview map now sparkles, to ensure that people don't miss it. Instead, you get the recipe to craft them during the new quest with Zentha in Orchel. Fertility Potions can't be purchased in Aldlyn anymore. It was not supposed to result in Unusual Weed. Fixed the combination of Magic Seeds with Mixed Fertiliser in the nature raid. Seldanna (Requires that the racism events are done) Saphielle (Requires the traade route quest to be done) Kavrala (Requires the workshop from the trade route events to be constructed, and that the scene with Zaleria+Ashryn scene is unlocked) Deulrai (Requires the workshop from the trade route events to be constructed) Cremia (Requires the repair/upgrade of the storage/workshop in Orchel via the overview map during the new trade route events) Syvis (Requires the beauty contest to be done, and that you had sex with either Elanil or Sarya) Elanil (Requires that the racism events are done) Sarya (Requires that the racism events are done.

renryuu ascension laws policies finances education religion

Elmyra (Requires that the racism events are done, and the scene with Zentha) Ashryn (Requires to have advanced the racism events by several steps, and that the Zaleria+Ashryn scene is unlocked) Renna (Requires that the racism events are done. Phyrra (Requires her dancing CG scene during the "About Racism" quest) Mirel (Requires that you fix the old bow of her father with Seldanna's help) You need the first events with Elina, and Maid Louise, to the point where Elina is now standing at the noble living quarters, and not in your throne room anymore. The party needs to know the location of Ebron.ġ0. The border to Dorgania needs to be open on both sides.ĩ. You must've finished the events about the tribe elves at Orchel.Ĩ. You must've repaired the Bitterroot farm.ħ. The storage building near the Red Keep on the overview map needs to be constructed.Ħ. (Should be a given when you're at Orchel).ĥ. You must've had the dialog with Darude during the main story, where he gave you the permit to enter Dorgania. The "Alchemy Maniac" quest from Zentha must be done.Ĥ. The "Old Bow repair" quest from Sledanna must be done.ģ. The "About Racism" quest from Mirel must be done.Ģ. The lengthy quest "Orchel Trading Route" is now available when you talk with Saphielle in Orchel. Talk with Mirel at the sleeping chambers again after fixing the old bow with Seldanna's help for Mirel's first time CG scene. Talks with Phyrra again, after her dancing CG scene, to get another CG scene. The dialogs with Phyrra and Seldanna will each give you a new quest. This quest brings you to Orchel, where you talk with several elves.

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When you've done her previous events, Mirel will give you the new quest "About Racism" at the sleeping chambers.

renryuu ascension laws policies finances education religion

Renryuu version 21.08.21 is now available!

Renryuu ascension laws policies finances education religion